Tala mai le EFKAS

valaaulia le efkas e faafiafia i le fu’a amerika samoa

Fepuari 1, 2022
Ua taunuu mai i le Ofisa Tutotonu i Kanana Fou le tusi valaaulia mai le Malo o Amerika Samoa, e valaauina ai le EFKAS e faafiafia i le faamanatuina o le sisiga fu’a i le masina o Aperila 2022.  Ua talia ma le agaga fiafia e le Laulauafono le faatalauula mai o le faigamalo, ma ua iai le fuafuaga e tuuina atu le tusi valaaulia i le Komiti o le ‘Au Toeaina poo le a se faatulagaga e mafai ona faatino ai lenei faamoemoe.  Sau se taimi ona toe faaoo atu lea o se isi faamatalaga pe a mae’a ona faia se finagalo a Tama o le Ekalesia.  

Mae’a fonotaga a komiti tumau – ianuari 2022

Ianuari 28, 2022
Ua mae’a nei fonotaga a Komiti Tumau e pei ona feagai ai, amata mai i le aso 18 o Ianuari e oo atu i le aso 28.   E pei ona masani ai, o ia fonotaga o loo aiaia e le Faavae o le Ekalesia.  Talu ai le faama’i, sa faatinoina ia fonotaga i luga o le upega tafailagi.  Na amata muamua i fonotaga a le Komiti a Tama o le Ekalesia ma Faletua o Toeaina, ona sosoo lea ma isi Komiti Tumau.  O se tausaga ese foi lenei ua fono uma ai Komiti Tumau (Toeaina, Faamisionare, Feau Eseese, Aoga, Atina’e, Tupe) ona o mataupu e soalaupule ai mo le agai i luma o le Ekalesia.  

Amata galuega e faaleleia ai le maota o tupulaga ‘taeaoafua’

Tesema 13, 2021
Ua amatalia le galuega o le faaleleia o le Maota o Tupulaga ‘Taeaoafua’ ina ua talia e le Malo o Amerika Samoa le faatalosaga a le Komiti o Aoga ma le Komiti o Feau Eseese mo le alagatupe mai le Malo Tele i Amerika e $1.2 miliona tala.  E tele feuia’iga sa uia ai lenei talosaga, e le gata i le Matagaluega o le Ofisa o Aoaoga, ae sa oo atu i luga o le Ofisa o le Kovana Sili.  Sa galulue faatasi ma isi Matagaluega o le Malo e faamalieina aiaiga uma o lenei seleni; ma, ua aumai le 

faatagaga e amata loa le galuega.  O le kamupani o le Nana’s sa filifilia mo lenei galuega, ma ua mae’a ona sainia le konekarate e faatino ai le galuega. O galuega ua faatulagaina e faatino: o le toe atoina atu o le fale, faafou potu ma le fale mamao, faaopoopo isi potu fou, faa-sima le ‘auala taamilo i le fale, ma isi galuega e faalelei atili ai le fale.  Ua iai le faamoemoe o le masina o Iuni e mae’a ai le galuega, pe a talafeagai ma le avanoa mai o mea (materials) e faatino ai.

manuia le taualoaina o le aoga maualuga i kanana fou

Tesema 3, 2021
Ua mae’a nei le taualoaina (accreditation) o le Aoga Maualuga i Kanana Fou, sa feagai ma le tama’ita’i Pule ia Sinaitaaga Tufele ma le Aiga o Faiaoga o le Aoga Maualuga, ma le vaega o le WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges).  Talu ai le faama’i, ua le mafai ona malaga mai ai le WASC e pei ona masani ai i taimi o le tauoloainga.  A o lenei faamoemoe atoa na faia i luga o le upega tafailagi, faatasi ai ma nisi o sui sa tofia e le WASC e nonofo mau i Amerika Samoa, sa latou ‘auai i le taimi o le taualoaina.  O le Susuga i le Ta’ita’i Komiti o le Komiti o Aoga, Eleasaro Faataa FS, sa ‘auai ma sui o le Komiti; ma le Susuga i le Failautusi Aoao ia Nafatali Falealii FS sa ‘auai e fai ma sui o le Laulaufono.  O le tala fiafia, ua talia e le WASC le taualoaina o le 

Aoga Maualuga i Kanana Fou, faatasi ma nisi o fautuaga ua tuuina mai i le Aoga Maualuga mo le aga’i i luma.  Sau se taimi ona faafofoga lea o le Ekalesia Aoao i taualumaga uma o lenei faamoemoe.  E momoli atu ai le faafetai tele i le tama’ita’i Pule ma le Aiga o Faiaoga mo le tapenaga tele sa feagai ai.  Malo le galulue.

Filifilia talaimalo marcellus uiagalelei e fai ma loia fautua o le ekalesia

Oketopa 5, 2021
E tusa ai ma ala o le Faavae o le Ekalesia, ua filifilia e le Laulaufono le Afioga i le Tiakono ia Talaimalo Marcellus Uiagalelei na te tauaveina le tofi Loia Fautua a le Ekalesia.  O lenei tofiga a le Ekalesia Aoao na avanoa ina ua faamavae le Loia Fautua sa iai i le Fono Tele XXXIII, le Afioga i le Tiakono ia Talauega Eleasalo Ale, talu ai ua faamalolo lona laisene loia ina ua filifilia e avea ma Lutena Kovana o Amerika Samoa.   O le Susuga ia Talaimalo o se loia ua leva ona galue i le galuega faa-loia ma le Ofisa o Faamasinoga i totonu o Amerika Samoa.  O  loo galue nei i le ‘aulotu EFKAS Futiga, ma ua sauni e su’e i le su’ega A’oa’o Fesoasoani ia Oketopa 2021.  O LE Fono Tele XXXIV ia Iulai 2022 o le a tuuina atu ai le Susuga ia Talaimalo i luma o le Ekalesia Aoao e faamaonia ai mo lea tofiga.

Foufou galuega e faaleleia ai le maota o tupulaga ‘taeaoafua’

Setema 13, 2021
O loo galulue nei le Laulau a le Komiti o Aoga ma le Laulau a le Komiti o Feau Eseese e talosagaina le Malo o Amerika Samoa i alagatupe mai le Malo tele o Amerika e faaleleia ai le Maota o Tupulaga ‘Taeaoafua.’  O le Susuga i le faifeau ia Eleasaro Faataa, Ta’ita’ifono o le Komiti o Aoga, ma le Susuga i le faifeau ia Iasepi Ulu, Failautusi o le Komiti o Feau Eseese, o loo ta’imua i lea faamoemoe.  O le aofa’i o le alagatupe o loo talosagaina mo lenei faamoemoe e $1.2 miliona.  Tatalo i le Atua mo lenei faamoemoe o loo feagai nei ma le Komiti o Aoga ma le Komiti o Feau Eseese, o se avanoa lelei e mafai ona faaleleia ai le Maota o Tupulaga Talavou.

Totogi motu nonogatupe i le ucc

Aokuso 9, 2021
Ua mae’a nei ona totogi motu le nonōgātupe a le Ekalesia e $2,000,000.00 sa faia i le UCC Cornerstone, e pei ona faai’ugafonoina e le Fono Tele XXXIII ua mavae atu.  Mo le silafia, o lenei nonōgātupe (loan) sa faia mo le faafouina o le malumalu ‘Ua Taunuu’ sa faaleagaina e matagi malolosi I le 2017. O tuutuuga o le loan i le taimi sa sainia ai ia Aperila 2018, e 30 tausaga e toe togitogi atu ai, i le pemeni e $11,355.78 i le masina, ae 5.5% le tului. Na amata ona togitogi pemeni o le loan ina ua mae’a le faapaiaina o le galuega ia Ianuri 2019. Peita’i, sa faailoa e le 

Komiti o Tupe i lana ripoti i luma o le Fono Tele XXXIII, talu ona togitogi e le Ekalesia le pemeni o le loan e amata mai ia Fepuari 2019 e tau mai ia Me 2021, na o le $59,596.01 le aofa’i na totogi i le tino o le loan (principal), ae $325,869.94 na alu i le totogiina o le tului (interest). O le ala lea na fautua mai ai le Komiti o Tupe, ma sapasapaia e le Fono Tele XXXIII, ina ia totogi motu loa le loan se manū o lelei le tala o tupe totoe a le Ekalesia e pei ona ripotia e le Teutupe, e ‘aua ai ne’i tigaina o tatou fanau i le lumanai i lenei avega. Ina ua mae’a le Fono Tele XXXIII ia Iulai 23, na vave loa ona galulue le Teutupe ma le Komiti o Tupe e faatino lea faamoemoe. O le pemeni mulimuli sa faia i le aso 6 o Aukuso e motu ai le loan, e $1,936,381.00. Silasila i le Lamepa Iulai-Aokuso 2021 o loo avatu ai le ripoti o le paleni e pei ona tuuina mai e le UCC, e  faamaonia le totogiina o le ‘aitalafu.  Faamalo faafetai EFKAS! Malo le galulue. Malo le taupati i le feau ma le galuega a le Atua. 

I’u ma le manuia fono tele xxxiii

Iulai 23, 2021
Ua i’u ma le manuia le Fono Tele XXXIII sa feagai ai ma le EFKAS.  Sa to’amalie mea uma i le faatasi mai o le Atua.  O se fonotele muamua lea a le EFKAS ua faia i luga o le upega tafailagi ina ua le mafai ona ‘auai mai sui usufono mai Matagaluega i fafo ona o le koviti.  Sa taumate pe tua ma ni a le faamoemoe.  Peita’i, sa sologa lelei tulaga uma, i mataupu a Matagaluega, o ripoti o le Tupe, aemaise o ripoti o galuega a Komiti Tumau ma Mafutaga Lagolago ta’itasi.   O nai mataupu sa tuu fesilisili poo le a le tulaga o le a oo iai: o tupe totoe a le Ekalesia talu ai ua 3 tausaga e lei usuia se fonotele, ma le sailiga o le tofi Sui Ta’ita’ifono e ala i le palota.  E faapefea ona faia le palota mo i latou o loo fesootai mai i fafo?  Peita’i, ua faaalia le

finagalo a le fonotele e tumau pea tofiga o loo iai nei sei aulia le fonotele i le 2022.  Ae le gata i lea, o tupe totoe sa taualuga ai le fonotele i le tala fiafia mai le Komiti o Tupe, ua gafatia e le Ekalesia ona totogi motu lana nonoga tupe e 2 miliona tala sa faia i le UCC i le 2018 mo le faafouina o le malumalu ‘Ua Taunuu’.  E moni ai le manulaiti o le Fono Tele XXXIII, “Ia outou olioli i le Alii!”  E mafai ona e faitau auiliili i nisi o taualumaga o le fonotele i le Lamepa Iulai-Aokuso 2021.  Mo nisi o ata, aemaise mai Matagaluega i fafo ma lo latou fesootai mai i luga o le upega tafailagi mo le fonotele, silasila i le itulau Facebook a le Ekalesia.  

Matagaluega Nite 2021, Fono tele XXXIII

Iulai 22, 2021
E ui sa lei mafai ona ‘auai mai Matagaluega i fafo i lenei tausaga, ae sa matauina le mata’ina o le po fiafia a le Ekalesia Aoao i lana Matagaluega Nite sa faatinoina i le Fono Tele XXXIII.  O siva sa mafai ona faamaopoopoina i lea afiafi, e aofia ai le siva a le Laulauafono ($14,300.00), Mafutaga Aoao a Tina ($10,500.00), Matagaluega Manu’atele ($21,300.00), Matagaluega Sisifo ($41,665.00), Matagaluega Tutotonu ($37,065.00), Matagaluega Sasa’e ($36,510.00); faaopoopo ai ma le seleni sa maua i luga o le fola ($19.00), ona maua ai lea lona tuu aofa’i e $161,359.00.  Sau se taimi ona toe avatu lea o se atoaga o le aofa’i o lenei 

faamoemoe pe a maopoopo mai le sao a Matagaluega mai fafo.  E mafai ona e faitau mae’a’ea i tala o lenei faamoemoe i le Lamepa Iulai-Aokuso 2021.  Mo nisi foi o ata mai le Matagaluega Nite 2021, silasila i le itulau Facebook a le Ekalesia.

Sauniga tatala aloa’ia ai Fonotele XXXIII

Iulai 18, 2021
Ua mae’a nei le sauniga faitele a le Ekalesia Aoao e tatala aloa’ia ai lana Fono Tele XXXIII, e usuia i le vaiaso fou.  O lenei sauniga sa ta’ita’iina e le Susuga i le Toeaina ia Tautalatasi Fanolua, o le Ta’ita’ifono a le Komiti o le ‘Au Toeaina.  O lana aufaigaluega ma lana aufaipese mai le EFKAS Taputimu sa mautofiga i le sauniga ma lagiina viiga o le Atua.  O le Susuga i le Faifeau nofo’aiga ia Pelesi Tanuvasa  sa feagai ma talosaga, a o le Faletua o le Toeaina ia Foua Fanolua sa fofogaina le faitauina o le Tusi Paia.  O le Failautusi Aoao 

sa fofogaina suafa o tagatalotu o le Ekalesia Aoao ua fai i lagi le folauga ma ua le mafai ona latou aulia lenei fonotele.  O le Toeaina ia Fanolua sa saunia le feau mai le Atua mo lenei faamoemoe, e faaautu i le manulauti o le Fono Tele XXXIII, “Ia outou olioli i le Alii.”  E ui i lei mafai ona ‘auai mai sui usufono mai fafo, ae sa faasalalau atu lenei sauniga i luga o le upega tafailagi mo lo latou ‘auai mai.   Sa matauina le faatumulia o le malumalu ‘Ua Taunuu’ i lea sauniga i mamalu faale-Ekalesia, mamalu faale-atunuu, ma mamalu faale-malo. Na faailoa foi i le faaiuga o le sauniga le meaalofa a le Afioga i le Tiakono ia Tuaolo Fruean, o le Peresetene o le Senate i Amerika Samoa, ma lona Faletua ia Fiapa’ipa’i, ua fai meaalofa ai mo le Ekalesia Aoao ma lana fonotele, e $100,000.00.   E mafai ona e maimoa i lenei sauniga i luga o le itulau Youtube a le Ekalesia.

To’a 9 le Aufaigaluega faauuina i le tofi ‘faifeau samoa’

Iulai 17, 2021
I le faaiuga o fonotaga a Komiti Tumau ma Mafutaga Lagolago a’o lumanai le tauaofiaga a le Ekalesia i lana Fonotele XXXIII, sa faataunuuina ai le sauniga o le faauuga o faifeau.  O lenei sauniga sa ta’ita’iina e le Susuga i le Toeaina ia Tony Hollister.    O i latou sa faauuina e aofia ai le Susuga ia Ierome ma le faletua o Senira Tai’i, o loo galulue i le galuega tausi ‘aulotu EFKAS i Ofu; o le Susuga ia Geoffrey ma le faletua o Sinafea Tagaloa, i le galuega tausi ’aulotu EFKAS Talalelei o le Faaolataga; o le Susuga ia Lotu ma le faletua o Teu 

Elisara, galuega tausi ‘aulotu EFKAS Mesa Margarita; o le Susuga ia Sinaka ma le faletua o Jomara Ulutu, o loo galulue i le galuega faamisionare a le Ekalesia i luga o le letio KSBS FM; o le Susuga ia Sitau Jr ma le faletua o Faaloloi Ofoia, ua tofia mo le galuega faamisionare i Hilo, Hawaii; o le Susuga ia Fetuao ma le faletua ia Sunema Mua, ua atoa le lua (2) tausaga o galue mo le Ekalesia Aoao i le galuega faa-faiaoga i le Aoga Tulaga Muamua i Kanana Fou; o le Susuga ia Ioane ma le faletua o Ma’opu Ioane, ua atoa le sefulu (10) tausaga o galulue faamaoni e fesoasoani i le galuega EFKAS Fitiuta i le tofi A’oa’o faauu Kanana Fou; o le Susuga ia Ioane ma le faletua o Tina Peleti, ua atoa foi le sefulu (10) tausaga o galulue e fesoasoani i le galuega EFKAS Fagaitua i le tofi A’oa’o faauu Kanana Fou; ma le Susuga ia Siavao ma le faletua o Taumeasina Iese, ua atoa foi le sefulu (10) tausaga o galulue faamaoni e fesoasoani i le galuega EFKAS Alofau i le tofi A’oa’o faauu Kanana Fou. Sei vagana le Susuga ia Lotu ma le faletua o Teu Elisara sa taoto atu i Toeaina o le Matagaluega a Kalefonia i Saute lo la faauuina, a o i latou uma nei, sa faaee ai lima o Tamā o le Ekalesia i Amerika Samoa nei ma faapaiaina i le tatalo – le faailoga o le faauuina o le tofi faifeau.  E mafai ona e faitau auiliili i tulaga uma o lenei sauniga i le Lamepa Iulai-Aokuso 2021.  E mafai foi ona e maimoa i lenei sauniga i luga o le itulau Youtube a le Ekalesia.

MAe’a fonotaga a komiti tumau ma mafutaga lagolago

Iulai 16, 2021
Ua mae’a nei le fonotaga sa feagai ai ma Komiti Tumau ma Mafutaga Lagolago mo le Fonotele XXXIII.  E tulaga ese foi le faamoemoe o lenei tausaga ona sa faataunuuina i luga o le upega tafailagi e ala i le zoom.  O sui o Komiti Tumau i fafo sa fesootai mai i luga o le upega tagailagi i nofoaga o loo alaala ai.  A o sui o Mafutaga Lagolago, e pei o le Mafutaga Aoao a Tina, sa potopoto mai faa-pulega, ma fesootai mai i sui iinei i Amerika Samoa sa potopoto i le malumalu  ‘Ua Taunuu.’  Faaaoga e Komiti Tumau le Ofisa Tutotonu mo a latou fonotaga, a o le Mafutaga Aoao a Tina ma le Mafutaga Aoao a Tupulaga Talavou, sa latou faaaogaina le ‘Ua Taunuu.’  Faafetai i le alofa o le Atua e leai se mea sa faaletonu, sa gasolo lelei mea uma i lona faatasi mai.  

Porokalama Fonotele XXXIII; fono a Komiti tumau ma mafutaga lagolago

Iuni 1, 2021
E fia tuuina atu le porokalama mo le Fonotele XXXIII, i aso ua faatulagaina mo fono a Komiti Tumau ma Mafuaga Lagolago, le faasologa o Sauniga Lotu, faatasi ai ma fuafuaga uma mo le fonotele.  E pei ona faailoa atu i se taimi ua sola, talu ai o le a faaaogaina le upega tafailagi e faatino ai fonotaga a Komiti Tumau ma Mafutaga Lagolago, o le a amata ia fonotaga i le faaiuga o le masina o Iuni.  Silasila ane i le porokalama mo aso e faataunuuina ai.


Me 17, 2021
Talu ai e le o lava le malosi o le upega tafailagi i Kanana Fou e fesootai uma ai Komiti Tumau/Mafutaga Lagolago i le taimi e tasi mo a latou fonotaga i le vaiaso o Iulai 11-17, o le a fa’atulaga le fonotaga a isi Komiti Tumau/Mafutaga Lagolago i luma mai; poo le fa’aiuga o Iuni, poo le amataga o Iulai.  Na o le Komiti a le ‘Au Toeaina ma le Mafutaga Aoao a Tina, e fono i le vaiaso o Iulai 11-17. A o isi Komiti Tumau/Mafutaga Lagolago, o le a toe fa’ailoa atu i se taimi o muamua le aso e fono ai, pe a mae’a ona tu’u fa’atasia le porokalama mo le fonotele.  Mo sui o Komiti Tumau/Mafutaga Lagolago mai Matagaluega i fafo, afai e lei oo mai lou tuatusi

imeli (email address) i le Ofisa Tutotonu, e manaomia ona e resitala i luga o le website a le Ekalesia e fa’aoo mai ai: https://efkasonline.org, e sauni ai mo fonotaga i luga o le upega tafailagi.  O sui o Komiti Tumau/Mafutaga Lagolago i Amerika Samoa, o le a potopoto i le Ofisa Tutotonu poo le malumalu ‘Ua Taunuu,’ e fesootai ai i luga o le upega tafailagi mo fonotaga. A o sui mai fafo, fesootai mai lava le tagata ia i se nofoaga e lelei ma talafeagai.

Faasilasilaga mo le Fono Tele XXXIII, Iulai 2021

Aperila 5, 2021
E fia faasilasila atu le faataunuuina o le Fono Tele XXXIII ia Iulai 2021.  E ui i le pepesi pea o le faama’i ma le tapu o femalagaaiga i Amerika Samoa, a ua manatu le Laulauafono, o le a faataunuuina le fonotele i lenei tausaga, ae faia i luga o le upega tafailagi (zoom).  O Matagaluega uma i fafo, o le a outou potopoto faa-Pulega e zoom ma ‘auai mai ai i le fonotele.  A o Matagaluega i Amerika Samoa, o le a potopotpo uma i le ‘Ua Taunuu’ i Kanana Fou, e fesootai faatasi ai ma i latou i fafo i luga o le zoom.  Sau se taimi ona toe faaoo atu lea o nisi faasilasilaga mo le faataunuuina o lea faamoemoe.

avanoa le MSP2 mo talosaga

Mati 29, 2021
Ua toe avanoa nei le MSP2 e talosaga mai ai Autalavou a Pulega e lei o’o atu ai lenei fa’amanuiaga mai le FGFL (CWM).  E to’atele Pulega ua uma ona latou  fa’aaogaina lenei fesoasoani.  Ae to’atele pea isi Pulega, e lei talosaga mai lava.  O le fa’amoemoe, ina ia mafai ona tofutofusia Pulega uma o le EFKAS i lenei fa’amanuiaga.  O le MSP2 ua fa’atulaga mo porokalama fa’aolaola mo Tupulaga Talavou, ae fa’atino i luga o Pulega.  O le maualuga o le fesoasoani e mafai ona talosaga mai ai le Puelga, e $800.00 a le falesa.  A iai se Pulega e fia talosaga mai i lenei fesoasoani e fa’atino ai ni porokalama fa’aolaola mo Tupulaga Talavou o le Pulega, fa’afesootai mai le Ofisa Tutotonu     


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      • educational institutions and trade associations.

We will approve link requests from these organizations if we determine that: (a) the link would not reflect unfavorably on us or our accredited businesses (for example, trade associations or other organizations representing inherently suspect types of business, such as work-at-home opportunities, shall not be allowed to link); (b)the organization does not have an unsatisfactory record with us; (c) the benefit to us from the visibility associated with the hyperlink outweighs the absence of link is in the context of general resource information or is otherwise consistent with editorial content in a newsletter or similar product furthering the mission of the organization.

These organizations may link to our home page, to publications or to other Web site information so long as the link: (a) is not in any way misleading; (b) does not falsely imply sponsorship, endorsement or approval of the linking party and it products or services; and (c) fits within the context of the linking party’s site.

If you are among the organizations listed in paragraph 2 above and are interested in linking to our website, you must notify us by sending an e-mail to
cccas@efkasonline.org.  Please include your name, your organization name, contact information (such as a phone number and/or e-mail address) as well as the URL of your site, a list of any URLs from which you intend to link to our Web site, and a list of the URL(s) on our site to which you would like to link. Allow 2-3 weeks for a response.
Approved organizations may hyperlink to our Web site as follows:
  1. By use of our corporate name; or
  2. By use of the uniform resource locator (Web address) being linked to; or
  3. By use of any other description of our Web site or material being linked to that makes sense within the context and format of content on the linking party’s site.

No use of the CCCAS logo or other artwork will be allowed for linking absent a trademark license agreement.


Without prior approval and express written permission, you may not create frames around our Web pages or use other techniques that alter in any way the visual presentation or appearance of our Web site.

Reservation of Rights

We reserve the right at any time and in its sole discretion to request that you remove all links or any particular link to our Web site. You agree to immediately remove all links to our Web site upon such request. We also reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions and its linking policy at any time. By continuing to link to our Web site, you agree to be bound to and abide by these linking terms and conditions.

Removal of links from our website

If you find any link on our Web site or any linked web site objectionable for any reason, you may contact us about this. We will consider requests to remove links but will have no obligation to do so or to respond directly to you.

Whilst we endeavor to ensure that the information on this website is correct, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor do we commit to ensuring that the website remains available or that the material on the website is kept up to date.

Content Liability

We shall have no responsibility or liability for any content appearing on your Web site. You agree to indemnify and defend us against all claims arising out of or based upon your Website. No link(s) may appear on any page on your Web site or within any context containing content or materials that may be interpreted as libelous, obscene or criminal, or which infringes, otherwise violates, or advocates the infringement or other violation of, any third party rights.


To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to our website and the use of this website (including, without limitation, any warranties implied by law in respect of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and/or the use of reasonable care and skill). Nothing in this disclaimer will:

  1. limit or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence;
  2. limit or exclude our or your liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
  3. limit any of our or your liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or
  4. exclude any of our or your liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.

The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this Section and elsewhere in this disclaimer: (a) are subject to the preceding paragraph; and (b) govern all liabilities arising under the disclaimer or in relation to the subject matter of this disclaimer, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort (including negligence) and for breach of statutory duty.

To the extent that the website and the information and services on the website are provided free of charge, we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us

The Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) is located at:
1 Kanana Fou Street, Box 1537, Pago Pago, AS 96799

It is the Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS)’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect while operating our website. This Privacy Policy applies to https://efkasonline.org (hereinafter, “us”, “we”, or “https://efkasonline.org”). We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting personally identifiable information you may provide us through the Website. We have adopted this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) to explain what information may be collected on our Website, how we use this information, and under what circumstances we may disclose the information to third parties. This Privacy Policy applies only to information we collect through the Website and does not apply to our collection of information from other sources.

This Privacy Policy, together with the Terms and conditions posted on our Website, set forth the general rules and policies governing your use of our Website. Depending on your activities when visiting our Website, you may be required to agree to additional terms and conditions.

Website Visitors

Like most website operators, Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) collects non-personally-identifying information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS)’s purpose in collecting non-personally identifying information is to better understand how Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS)’s visitors use its website. From time to time, Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) may release non-personally-identifying information in the aggregate, e.g., by publishing a report on trends in the usage of its website.

Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) also collects potentially personally-identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for logged in users and for users leaving comments on https://efkasonline.org blog posts. Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) only discloses logged in user and commenter IP addresses under the same circumstances that it uses and discloses personally-identifying information as described below.

Gathering of Personally-Identifying Information

Certain visitors to Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS)’s websites choose to interact with Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) in ways that require Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) to gather personally-identifying information. The amount and type of information that Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) gathers depends on the nature of the interaction. For example, we ask visitors who sign up for a blog at https://efkasonline.org to provide a username and email address.


The security of your Personal Information is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.


Ads appearing on our website may be delivered to users by advertising partners, who may set cookies. These cookies allow the ad server to recognize your computer each time they send you an online advertisement to compile information about you or others who use your computer. This information allows ad networks to, among other things, deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you. This Privacy Policy covers the use of cookies by Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) and does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers.

Links To External Sites

Our Service may contain links to external sites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that third party’s site. We strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy and terms and conditions of every site you visit.

We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites, products or services.

Aggregated Statistics

Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) may collect statistics about the behavior of visitors to its website. Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) may display this information publicly or provide it to others. However, Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) does not disclose your personally-identifying information.


To enrich and perfect your online experience, Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) uses “Cookies”, similar technologies and services provided by others to display personalized content, appropriate advertising and store your preferences on your computer.

A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) uses cookies to help Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) identify and track visitors, their usage of https://efkasonline.org, and their website access preferences. Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS)’s websites, with the drawback that certain features of Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS)’s websites may not function properly without the aid of cookies.

By continuing to navigate our website without changing your cookie settings, you hereby acknowledge and agree to Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS)’s use of cookies.

Privacy Policy Changes

Although most changes are likely to be minor, Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and in Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS)’s sole discretion. Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (CCCAS) encourages visitors to frequently check this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.